Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Knitting in San Miguel de Allende

Well, who woulda thunk it? I was knitting at a restaurant and a lovely lady approached me and told me that there is a knitting group here in gorgeous San Miguel de Allende, that meets Monday nights. I went and there were a few women there that I knew from when I lived here. It was great to see them. When I took Print O' the Wave out of my knitting bag, they all told me that due to the amount of chatter and drinking that goes on, they only bring their mindless knitting to group. Well, all I have OTN with me are three lace stoles and my Noro Butterfly Cardigan, which I need to block before I attach the collar--but the sleeves are now done!:

Print O' the Wave, by Eunny Jang in Karabella Lace Mohair

Stripes and Torchon Lace, from Victorian Lace Today in Colourmart's 100% Silk 2/34 (Note the boo-boo on the second repeat. I'm planning on putting in a lifeline there and making that my provisional cast-on, removing the first two repeats.) This is the "secret stole" I mentioned in the previous post.

Swatches for Mystery Stole 3 by Melanie from Pink Lemon Knits. I'm using Lane Borgosesia Cashwool in a light-ish grey. You can still join (until this Friday) here on Yahoo Groups. There are over 4000 of us now. I created an email account just for this purpose, and I'm glad I did! I'm getting tons of emails per day! Too many to read, really. I have started the stole, but I'll wait until I've finished Clue 1 to post pics.

Here's the back of Butterfly

And the fronts. No pics of finished sleeves yet, but I hope to block by Thursday, so I should be able to get some pics and get started on the collar by then.

Now... did I get pictures of the lovely setting where we had our group? In a stained-glass gazebo? Aw, hell, no... While I remembered the projects I meant to take and moolah for the wine, typical of my ADD-self, I forgot the camera. Well, there's always next week. Oh, I found a link to the La Jacaranda where we had the group. We were in the restaurant of the hotel. Here's the gazebo,where we met, which they oddly call a "Kiosk".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I, too, have dined there., but I wasn't knitting. That was 18+ years ago.
Does your pattern have a zipper?
If so, please tell me where I can find the pattern.